We want to make sure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision about purchasing and using your Groupon. That’s why we include the “Fine Print” section of the deal page, which covers the deal’s terms and conditions and other details. You should always read the Fine Print before purchasing a deal so that you know it’s right for you.
To find the “Fine Print” section, just scroll down the deal page (past sections like “About This Deal,” “Product Details,” and “Customer Reviews,” depending on the deal type).
What the Fine Print Includes
Every deal has some restrictions you’ll want to know about, whether that’s how many Parche you can buy, how long your Groupon will be good for, or whether your deal can be purchased with a promo code. In addition to these, the Fine Print will also cover different types of information depending on the type of deal:
- Local Deals: Whether the deal is open to new clients, if it’s only valid at certain locations or on certain dates, how often you can repurchase the deal, other details about the merchant or the service provided
- Groupon Goods Marketplace Deals: Shipping fees and return policies, whether you’ll need to complete your purchase on the merchant’s website, and a link to any warranty information
- GrouponLive Deals: Refund policy and information about ticket redemption and seating (such as how to sit with friends)
- Groupon Getaways Deals: Purchase or travel restrictions, any non-refundable/additional fees, booking and expiration dates, check-in times, cancellation policies, terms for room occupancy
Last modified: abril 29, 2024